Sunday, March 17, 2013

A new home

A few days ago the Aunt of Nayeli, Denadi, Michele, and Josue decided to take all 4 kids in. AMAZING. I almost fell to my knees. All 4 children. What a blessing. I love that she cares so deeply for these kids.

It’s 8 AM and I arrive at the kids’ house. There they are, the parents and the kids, ready to go. However, the parents weren’t going to go with us. Miladys came along to help me move the kids to Jutiapa. I had bought them a backpack full of food to get them started off in their new home. I had their uniforms, school supplies, shoes, toothbrushes, and toothpaste. There we were, Miladys and I with the four kids. My backpack full of supplies and the kids had one suitcase with all their belongings in it. We waited in silence for the bus to drive by. No one made eye contact with anyone. Fanny and Danillo said a teary goodbye. Even Miladys cried. I cant imagine what saying goodbye to your kids like that would be like, and I hope I never do. Michele hugged me. Wouldn’t let go. She had her arms wrapped around me and rested her head on me. I ran my hand over her tangly, dirty, rough hair. We got on the bus and began our trip to their new home.

Once in Jutiapa the Aunt, Berta greeted us with big hugs. The kids immediately began to play. Josue was playing with another little girl about his age. He was happy. One of Berta’s sons was there, 12 years old, he began a game of ball in the backyard. A few neighborhood kids came out to play. My heart was so, so happy.

Miladys and I sat and talked with Berta, and began to help her make lunch. I expressed how appreciative I was and that even if the parents didn’t say it, “thank you” on their behalf. She was telling us how her family was excited to have the kids come. Even her two sons. The 12 year old, had been asking all morning, are they here yet? When will they get here? How much longer? Shouldn’t they be here by now?

Lunch was served. Rice, pasta, guineo (unripe green banana). Everyone was happy and full. Which only meant it was bathroom time. However, for Josue that meant taking his pants off and pooping in the side yard by crouching down. “NO JOSUE, NOT THERE!” I yelled. I told Berta I was sorry for how they behaved and she would need to work on that little by little. She understood. “That will all change, Catalina”.

We said our goodbyes. I told the kids I loved them and I was proud of them. I would be back. I was happy. I wasn’t sad because I knew I couldn’t be. This is where they needed to be! I couldn’t have been happier. 

Here are these precious children:

Nayeli: Nayeli will go far. She did good in school last year and will be entering second grade this year. I am happy for her. She is a smart 10 year old girl and deserves so much more.

Denadi: An 8 year old with way too much responsibility. She has a cute dark complexion and skinny little body, with a beautiful smile! She has learned way too much from her mother, and needs to learn to just be 8! Denadi will be entering first grade this year!

Michele: Where’s Michele? Oh yeah, grabbing onto my shirt. She is always latched onto someone. She doesn’t talk much and may have a learning disability. Michele is 6 and will be entering Kindergarten!

Josue: The cutest 3 year old you have ever seen. He is so lovable and loves, loves, loves the attention. How can you not give him all your love? Josue will be keeping Berta’s hands full!

I am currently looking for sponsors for these four children. At 50 dollars a month per child, this will provide everything needed, from school supplies and fees, food, medicine, clothes, etc. I am in constant communication with Berta and the family. I will be checking up on the kids, visiting them, and making sure they are in a good place. Please keep these kids in your prayers. Please help me find sponsors. Contact me at if you or someone you know would like to support or help support one of these children. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

looking for help

It was Sunday evening and Denadi (8 years old) runs up to me “Tomorrow Im going to school, Catalina! My Mom says tomorrow Im going to school!” She was so excited. She was telling me all about her shoes that she washed herself, her school supplies and uniform. I was so happy. I thought to myself finally. Fanny (the mother) had told me Monday they would start. That she would have everything she needed by Monday. Also happening on Monday I had planned to go to Jutiapa (2.5 hours away) with Nayeli (10 years old) to get her school transfer papers. I would have to take Nayeli with me since I do not know the area. This was good. Things were moving along. Even though the parents are showing no interest in their kids education, I had things moving forward. Up until today, I have still not received a thank you.

Monday morning comes along, I wake up at 6 am, get ready and head off to Nayeli’s house to pick her up for the bus. There is Denadi.

Me: Denadi, why aren’t you in school?
Denadi: My mom says I can’t go today
Me: Why not? Last night, everything was ready to go and you were scheduled to go to classes today
Denadi: I have to take care of Michele (6 years old) and Josue (3 years old)
Me: Where is your dad?
Denadi: Sleeping.

SLEEPING. The father was sleeping. Denadi should have been in school but she had to take care of her siblings. She is 8 years old.

So, Nayeli and I board the bus and head to Jutiapa. Nayeli gets car sick and throws up. Then the bus breaks down and were stranded for a bit. What else?, I thought to myself. 

We arrive in Jutiapa and Nayeli leads me to her Aunt’s house. Nice lady she is. She lives in a nice house, has two children of her own who are in high school. This is where Nayeli lived last year. She went to school here. She was well taken care of, was fed, and did well in her classes. The aunt didn’t want her to leave but Fanny came and took her back. The aunt knew that if Nayeli went back home, she wouldn’t be in school. And, she wasn’t. The aunt was right. We got to talking about Fanny and Danillo and I asked what would need to happen to have Nayeli and the other kids come live with her. She laughed and said she couldn’t take in 4 children. Which I understood. Conversation went on and she thought maybe extended family could take in the kids as well. One child to each home. All the extended family, aunts, grandparents, cousins, all live there, in Jutiapa. Maybe that could be a solution? However the Aunt explained to me that no matter how much she might want the kids to come to Jutiapa, it depended on Fanny and she didn’t think Fanny wanted the kids there. So I left the conversation at that. We got Nayeli’s school papers and were on our way.
Back in La Ceiba I bought her school uniform (thanks Anne Fowler!) and shoes. She was so excited! To see the look on her face when she tried on the new shoes was priceless. She lit up. We then headed back to El Porvenir.

That night I came over to talk to Fanny and Danillo about registering Nayeli in school the next day and to ask why Denadi didn’t go. Nayeli must have told Fanny that the Aunt wants the kids to go to Jutiapa. We started to talk about that. That conversation just turned into Danillo accusing Fanny of things and Fanny accusing Danillo of things. Fanny talked about how he spent money on cocaine and never helped to buy food for the children. Danillo came back saying Fanny buys alcohol and sleeps around with men. (This is all happening in front of the kids). It got worse. Each was trying to prove their point and make the other look like the bad guy. I had to stop the argument quick. We got back on the conversation about sending the kids to Jutiapa. Basically they both agreed that was the best choice. Danillo said he doesn’t care if the kids go to Jutiapa because he knows it’s the best decision. (This also means that he will probably never see his kids for many years because Fanny’s family will not allow him to come visit). So we call the aunt to see what she says. She will have to talk to her husband. I told her I believe that there is no other option than the orphanage for the kids. They can’t stay where they are. A 10 year old should not be in charge of cooking rice for lunch because her parents left them home alone. A 8 year old should not have to care for a 6 and 3 year old because her parents are not responsible. They have to go. I told the Aunt I would help in any way I could. I told her I would find people to support them. She would not be alone.

Fanny begins to cry. Little Josue was asleep on the bed and I saw her glance over to him. She breaks down. I hug her and tell her I know this is hard. No matter how much it might hurt her, she is doing the right thing. The kids begin to cry. It took everything in me to keep myself together. I love those kids and I only want what is best for them. I said I was sorry for getting into their personal lives but I had to. I told the kids they could be mad at me. Nayeli stopped crying and looked up at her dad and said “NO, IM MAD AT YOU.” My throat closed up.

Left to right: Denadi, Nayeli, Rossel, Michele and little Josue at the bottom. 

I would like to end this blog by asking for your help. I will be talking to the Aunt soon to see what she has decided. I will need to tell her how much I am able to support her and children. This will be monthly support for 4 children. I will be talking to a few families in town to get a better idea of how much is needed to raise a family in Honduras. I am currently looking for 4 sponsors. If you, or someone you know is in a position to provide monthly support for these children, please contact me. I am not able to say how much will be needed for each child but please contact me if you are interested. This would be a huge blessing for the children, their parents and the families taking on this huge responsibility. I would be able to keep you in contact with the kids, send pictures and updates on how they are doing. Please pray for the situation and all those involved. Thank you!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


“Sure, I will register them tomorrow”. That’s what I kept hearing from Fanny about her two children who should have been registered over a month ago. “Well, I can’t find their birth papers” or “I work during the day”. It was excuse after excuse with her. I tried to talk to Danillo (the dad) but that was of no use. He told me he didn’t have the money to register them. All he needed was 50 cents per child to get new birth papers, get them copied, then taken to the school for the director. I gave him the money and he promised to register the kids the next day. Nothing. I have spent countless hours talking to the family, talking to others in town about these kids who have parents who don’t care, and thinking about them. I would think about the situation in bed and fall asleep trying to come up with a solution. Thoughts jumped back and forth in my head that maybe I should just give up. The parents are of no use, why should I be spending all my time on this? Fanny causes me so much anxiety and I can see the damage she is doing to her kids. I want so bad for her to change, even though she tells me she will, I know she will not. I wanted to give up.

Friday morning I went to the place in town where you can get a new birth certificate. I brought with me written down the kids names and their parents names. I had asked Danillo the night before what his kids birthdays were, but he didn’t know. He didn’t know his own kids birthdays. Nor could he write their names. I asked him to write the girls full names on the paper so I would have the spelling correct, he couldn’t write. So I did the best I could and wrote their names down on the paper. The next morning I went the office and sat in line. An hour later I was finally attended to and I gave the women the information I had. After a while of searching, we found their names. Their registered names were different than the names Danillo gave me. HE DIDN’T EVEN HAVE THEIR NAMES CORRECT. I got the papers and then headed over to the school. Denadi is 8 years old and will be entering into the first grade. She starts on Monday! Nayeli went to school in another town with her extended family and passed the 2nd grade so she will not be able to start until we get the transfer papers. Do you think Fanny will go do this? Absolutely not. Next week I will have to go myself to the school (2 ½ hours away) and get the transfer document and then show it to the director here to register Nayeli. She is 10, and otherwise will have to start over in 1st grade.

I came home from the school and cried. Tears of joy. I was so happy. Papers! Their birth papers I had here in my hand! And that is exactly where they will stay. Here in my hands. What a blessing. Week after week and I finally got what I needed. I was fearful. I had my doubts. My biggest concern was if Danillo was going to leave. He had told me he was going to try and get into the states illegally. If that was the case, the kids would have to stay with Fanny. However, she works from 5 am – 5pm M – F. Her solution? To lock the kids in the house until when she got home. To literally lock the 4 children in the house until she returned from work. And that’s hoping she didn’t come home later than that, drunk. Or spend her money on herself. Last week, she spent her weeks payment on perfume. While her kids did not have food for dinner. Danillo, for now, is going to stay. I saw him working the other day and I am so grateful for that. Please keep this broken family in your prayers.