Saturday, June 13, 2015


I have two homes. My family lives in both of them.  One is stateside, the other, Honduras. 

I love that. I love that whether "coming or going"...its always home.

So I just got back from the states after a 6 week visit/fundraising trip. Time flew by as I was able to visit family, friends, travel a bit, visit and talk with churches and host fundraiser events

We hosted our 4th Annual Garage Sale Fundraiser which thanks to hundreds of people who donated, came out and supported our cause, was a huge success. 

We also hosted a Chick-Fil-A fundraiser night, several events at local churches and other community activities. 

I also got to meet with Reliance Church in St. Petersburg Florida who will be coming on a week long mission trip here in July! We are so excited for them to come and help #RaiseTheRoof !!! They are working hard to raise funds and bring enough down to put the roof over one room of our Women and Children Center! They are a wonderful group of people who will be blessing this community immensely. 

(If you have or know of a group that is looking for a project to do, you can be a part of finishing Reliance Church's #RaiseTheRoof campaign and help us complete Finding Hope's Center and Shelter! Please contact for more information)

After all is said and done, I had a great trip home but I still need your help. Finding Hope needs just about $1600 in monthly donations to open our doors and keep it that way. We have costs for our feeding center, hiring local staff and guards, opening and stocking our free daycare, continuing our trade classes, starting a sewing cooperative and in the near future a womens shelter. 

We are nearing very close to finishing our first floor (thankful to some VERY generous donors) but we cannot start accepting women and children until we are complete in our monthly donations. That means YOU, yes, YOU are our answer. 

We need 64 families to pledge $25 monthly. Think about it. How easy is that? 64 families give up $25 a month to serve mothers and their children. Give them an opportunity to provide for their families. Be behind the change for this community. Keep women out of danger and teach their kids that they are loved. Loved by a God so great we cant even fathom that depth. Please be that for them. Please help myself, Finding Hope and be our partner in this mission. 

Finding Hope is currently in the process of receiving our non profit status so your donations ARE tax-deductable. 

Once we have those 64 families, our concern and stress will be lifted off our shoulders. We can only to so much here on the field, its YOU who keep us going.

If you decide to start supporting Finding Hope and our mission, thank you. From the bottom of our hearts thank you. I can personally tell you that your money will be used 100% for the right reasons. Your money will go directly to our cause. If you have any questions, please email, Id be happy to help!

So how have I been feeling being back in Honduras? Wonderful. I feel refreshed and ready to take this on again. I feel like Im coming back with a new vision, a bettered heart and a deeper desire. 

I have loved seeing all my kids again and being back to the community I call home. As I went to visit one home, the mother told me "You told Estephany to count 6 Wednesdays and then you would be back. This past Wednesday she counted one more in her head and wondered if this was the Wednesday you would be back." 

So am I happy? Yes. It feels good. Really good. As Im writing this Ive got this little lovins in my arms:

I want to thank everyone who supported the fundraisers we hosted while I was home. Thank you to the churches who let me come speak to their congregation. Thank you to everyone who helped donate to our cause. And especially thank you to my mom, dad and grandma who for months now have been preparing for our annual garage sale, pricing, pre-selling, organizing and everything else inbetween. They faithfully woke up early and went to bed late for our 4 day event. Thank you, muchisimas gracias!

Asking for you to donate is hard. I dont like to do so. It has never been easy and never will. But sometimes I have to remember that Im not asking for myself, Im asking for the Kingdom of God. I'm just a worker for the Lord, Hes got me taking care of this project of His called Finding Hope and Hes called all of us as a community to keep it growing. 

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