Saturday, January 4, 2014

What 2013 brought me..

As I sit here and think of 2013, I think of where I was a year back. A year before one of the greatest years of my life. I think of how lost I was. If you followed my blog in Nicaragua, you know I was aching. I was trying to find where I belong. I was trying to find God's will for my life. It soon became clear I was meant to be back in Honduras...and thats where I went. 

So here is what this year was all about for my ministry! 

I arrived in El Porvenir the first week of February with many ideas, thoughts and plans in mind. Little did I know what God had waiting for me! In April, I began a sustainable bead work program for women, which had such a considerable impact that I began a second group in June. There are 17 women in the program making bracelets from recycled magazines. Their children and families have received substantial benefits from these bracelets. Their proceeds have been able to buy school supplies, medicine, food, and more. It’s been awesome to see them improve in their work but also grow to know them more personally. 

In July, I met with the city board members of El Porvenir to present Finding Hope’s mission and purpose. Just two weeks after meeting with the board, they donated a great piece of land to the Women and Children Center. In August, I received the official documentation of the land, and 3 days later, we began to land fill and place a temporary fence on the lot. A local missionary couple, Scott and Susan Ledford, through Missionary Ventures, have partnered with me on this project and are heading mission teams throughout the construction process. In November, a Canadian team came down and we were able to fully complete the foundation. In December a second team came to help with the floor level construction! We will have ample space for the children center, an office, the beading program and a sewing cooperative! 

This year I was also able to start a sponsorship program with 6 children each in the program for different needs. There are Nayeli, Denadi, Michele and Josue, four siblings taken from their abusive, neglectful, drug and alcoholic parents, whom have overcome obstacles most of us can never even imagine. In March they moved in with their aunt where all 4 kids are now safe, fed and loved. Then there is Johanna, whose mother could not afford school supplies to send her to school. This year she received materials, a backpack and uniform to be able to attend school! Lastly, there is Jostin, whom mournfully passed away November 8th at just 7 months old. He suffered from a congenital heart defect which prevented him from getting the amount of oxygen his little body required. Jostin received help for his specific needs but unfortunately his illness was so progressed, he could not make it to one year. 

Just recently I was able to start a Sunday school, partnering with a local Pastor and feeding center. Teaching the word of God to these little ones has been such a joy! Being a part of their lives in such a personal way and connecting with their families has been the biggest blessing. This year has been full of surprises, relationships, emotional rollercoasters and spiritual growth. It may not be easy but it’s definitely worth it. I am even more grateful for where God has placed me and this mission and very excited to see what the New Year brings!

I am so blessed. This was an exciting year and I would like to thank you for partnering with me and Finding Hope. None of this could have ever happened or grown to where we are today without you. Thank you for your support financially and spiritually. If you haven’t already, please “like” Finding Hope on Facebook and visit for more updates and pictures! With the New Year brings many more needs into the ministry. If you are able to help please consider being a monthly sponsor and be a part of something big. Click the “donate” link on the website and sign up! Our biggest need is help with construction costs so that we can complete the center and start accepting kids!

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